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  • AutorenbildKristine Babakhanyan

Started ....from......... 0

Aktualisiert: 2. Feb. 2022

Growing up in the worst possible environment and facing poverty, addiction and brokenness didn’t stop God from loving or choosing me for Greatness !

Let me jump back into the past for when I was 2 years old: My parents came from a foreign country to germany to had a better perspective in life. There was war in the country I came from and we barely had food or water. Things which are normal here, were luxury there. I know probably you went through the same? Wandering from country to country or city to another? I grew up in a country which culture was the absolute opposite of where I came from. People were different, rules different, basically anything. For a kid that was quiet horrible.

My parents and I were first in a station for migrants. It´s a place were a variety of people come together from all over the world. We had to be quiet, never mess with the police, because we knew: that would have costed us to go back to our poor country. We were all in just one room and as kid you weren´t allowed to be far from your parents because people would have kidnapped or killed you ......

See, I know you´re probably went through something familiar right ? I know I am not the only one which had a rough life, keep rolling with me, it will definitely bless you:

So, I grew up like any other kid too: Kindergarden, elementary school, bla bla .... but there´s something I didn´t share with no one: I saw things and perceived things which others didn´t or did not say they did. Let´s call it the "unseen world". I knew things before they happened and exactly how they would happen....WOW superpowers! I could even suggest peoples abilities and they were completely astonished. This was even before 10 years old. And something else....I heard Voices.... Stay with me .... No not in my head.

I heard demons speaking, the devil and angels and God. I just didn`t knew who was who. Maybe you do even too, it makes click for you know and you realize: wait, I had that too !?

Well welcome! Actually it is quiet normal. Spiritual beings exist, superpowers exist, not kidding.

Bad forces and Good forces exist! And you know it ! You are well aware of the unseen Powers and Rulers of this world.

When I was younger, I loved Dragonball? You remember this little boy which wanted to be the strongest worrior in the world? Yes, you do. He constantly fought against bad forces to save the planet from complete destruction. I still love it ! Even know !

Did you also watch this ? I also watched Sailor Moon, Pokemon, collected even Cards and figures, I know you do too! I know you even have some of your old children stuff with you! Superpowers activated, haha, God told me.

God? Yes, the man in the cloud you know him, believe me!

You need to know : He is there, he is the Good Power in your Life, He speaks to you - every single day .....Nobody told you ?

I do : God speaks.

There`s MORE...

Show some Love for working my butt off Baby:

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Keep rolling with me !

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Prophet Kristine

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