#NotesofaProphet Nr.2
As I was little, I didn´t grew up in a big house with perfect parents, as most of us didn´t. But let me tell you : I grew up in a little broken apartment very far from the city, next to red-light-district. Yap,...... when I was playing and climbing up the roofs at out House I saw Windows with red hearts. Naïve as I was I thought that would be something nice, like sailor Moon or I don´t know something like little girl rooms you know....... Hey, I was kid , okay? I didn´t know about prostitution and drugs and stuff.....but later unfortunately got a victim of it....anyways..

But I was unusually smart as kid, I constantly asked questions so I wondered and observed my surroundings and saw men with expansive cars driving in and out and even as kid I was like: waiiiiiit a minute.....that´s kind of weird.......... and my bubble blowed.
I had a super tiny room, a lots of pluschis! I also had tons of Barbies, but I enjoyed technical things, I like looking behind the tv and figuring out how that worked and started to disassemble electrical stuff and fix it together.
I took cars which were steerable, but my Barbie on and let them jump over obstacles.....Ha.Ha. I built ramps out of cartonnage or trash I found. When my friends and I played outside our parents didn´t go on a awesome playground, the Obi parking lot and shopping cart was our cart which we raise with and stuff we found on the bilky waste was functioning as toys- even tho I had toys..... Well, kids are funny right.... Little mountains turned in our imagination as giant mountains were we needed to fight beasts and conquer the war and make the world a better place. Did I mention I wasn`t a normal girl ?!
I was 6 years old and life was good even tho I already went through a whole lot of trauma. But one things I remember: My first console !
I went to a friend of out family and He had a PS One and we played Crash Bandicoot the first time. I WAS GOOOOOOOOOOOOONE ! I jumped head to toe into the world of gaming and PlayStation and this was my life !!!!!

I played hours and hours and was crying when I needed to stop playing .....and leave! You know that feelin`?
BUT then ! My parents got me one with games and I figured out by myself how to connect it to the TV and play. So my childhood was saved. I even got Games till now which I used to have as a kid! In a typical CD- protection with Spyro on it ? You know him ? It`s a little dragon,purple, cute, flying around and beating up some ugly green monsters and uh oh, finding gems! You need to play that one !
You also have those kind of stories right? The first game? Your first plusch or action figure? Maybe your first Voice recording Toy? Your first Ninentedo 64?
I know you do !
I today most surely know that every good thing I got was from God ! He is a good Father which enjoys to give good presents. He doesn`t take away something which is good for you or your toys! Actually He enjoys giving you good stuff, games, good clothes, plusches etc., believe me !
I know by now, that many things I secretly wished for were given by God and I enjoyed playing hours as well as......guess what?
Animeeeeeee !
Show some Love for working my butt off Baby:
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Prophet Kristine